Edge of the empire weapon mods
Edge of the empire weapon mods

These arrange from any kind of weapons to melee to pistols to ect. Of course as time moves on, this list I will to continue adding more and more to the list for as long as I can, along with that not everyone of them I tried out but just from looking at them has a certain touch that i enjoy myself whether its a skin of a weapon or just from the fact that they made the mod completely from scratch long with others working along side and not just a reupload from another game/movie/T.V. This is a collection of weapon mods from other authors that i really enjoyed playing throughout my years of playing Left 4 Dead 2 and to this day, and some of these weapons I litteraly had to dig towards the ends of the mod list to find or some there are so good and yet almost forgotten entirely.

Edge of the empire weapon mods